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Our NFT contains a concept that follows a chronological history from ancient times to the present.


Timelines or periodization is a time series concept that is used to sequence something in history; the periodizaton we use is a three-part system for periodization after humans discovered writing; we also added three special timelines that you can buy on to get the other version of our NFT projects.


The HINT NFT (Historical Inventions NFT) timeline will be divided into seven timelines (4 general timelines and 2 special timelines)


 1. General Timelines

A timeline relating to the history of human inventions from when humans 


  • Prehistory: Around 3.3 million to 5000 years ago.

The term "prehistory" refers to the period of time that began when hominins began to use stone tools and found fire  for the first time.


  • Ancient: 3000 BCE-500CE

Ancient history is the aggregate of past events from the beginning of writing and recorded human history and extending as far as late antiquity. They discovered farming and cultivation methods, and also copper and iron processing.


  • Post-Classical : 500 CE-1500 CE

This epoch is defined globally by the geographical expansion of civilization and the development of trade networks between various civilizations.


  • Modern: From 1500 until the present.

The modern of the era humans.


 2. Special Timelines

 Other versions of our NFT, cool and mysterious. We have two Special Timelines:


  • Custom Timeline:

Alternate timeline of Robert explorer as well as images of Robert as a person holding his featured item (such as cosplay), is like a Cosplay Edition :3.

The holders of the NFT General Timelines will be given a Special key to be able to create or request a custom character of their own either from a fictional character, a person or even a brand.


  • Mysterious Timeline:

 Is it really a mystery

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