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  • Where are you team from?
    We are from Indonesia.
  • What is Mystery Timeline?
    Mystery that we will reveal at the time being.
  • Who is Headman?
    headman is the founder of this nft nari, he designed and made the story of this project, has a lot of ideas and wants to apply them to the real world, wants to be better and is very interested in nft Ghozali.
  • When your charity event will be held
    After we can sell our all NfTs and have fund for make the charity events come true, but we will also make our charity for people in need from our profit.
  • When will be launched
    On July, if all running smoothly.
  • Where do you get the consept for your nft?
    When I was studying for a history lesson at my school, and the idea came up to make nft with concepts like timelines.
  • What is the next project?
    We have so much idea for the next project, after this maybe we will make a 10.000 nft project.
  • What device you are using?
    I use my phone for draw, but sometimes we use laptop for research for information about the NFT and website updating.
  • How to buy nfts on opensea marketplace?
    You must to have a cripto wallet like Metamask, after that now you can buy some Crypto like Ethereum After that follow these steps 1. Go to 2. Log in your wallet 3. Have fun, buying some nfts and get the benefits of it.
  • What is 500 list of Cool People?
    This is a unique list containing nft holders, we will add a special scholar behind your name along with the number of nft you hold at that time, and this list will get chance to get seat for our project next.
  • What is Gacha Pull?
    Is a mini game on this website is like, you get a picture meme and you can sell it on OpenSea , use it on discord, or using it for account meme content. Its like funny meme generator, in every day you get 1 picture and holders get 3 and maybe you will get Premium Meme.
  • Is the NFT worth to buy?
    yes, you will get lots of features from discord premium features,pfp, e-book, custom character timeline nft that 30% of the profit we will give it to you and endings that you can choose, 500 list of cool people for next project and you can participate on the charity event that we will hold.
  • What BlockChain your NFTs?
    We are on the Polygon Blockchain for a less gas fees and speedy transaction.
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