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When you bought nft, you will receive a variety of benefits. This make the NFT having a uniqueness that can distinguish it from other projects.


A. Enable features for NFT Discord users.

Some of our activites will be on Discord and we can easy for talk, reply to questions, some advice. This for creating a engagement with the community and make the project success.


Thera are some features we provide:


  1. Get more detailed informations about the project, like upcoming event and else.

  2. get space to talk with fellow holders and owners about this nft project.

  3. Get a special badge.

  4. Discord games and giveaways.

  5. Opportunity of gaining golden nft.


B. Getting a custom character key

That allows you to make or request a character that is either original, fictional characther, a person, or a brand. Is like a Cosplay Edition :v, example : Batman and Batrang. 


We will negotiate the selling price with the client, and 30% of the sales proceeds will be restored to the client to get the benefits.


C.  500 List People

Named among the 500 people who contributed to this project on our list called "500 cool people."

this list is a 500 people who have buy our NFT for appreciation for holders.


D. If you buy more than 1 nft then you will get a scholar behind your name in the list.

Example: Robert Brown, ........... (srry we will updating it)


E. Starter Pack

You will get bundle starter pack like The barcode link to the website about the nft you received, pfp, as well as an art book with pictures and information about our nft manufacturing process.


F. Digital Books

Includes 550 inventions human have been made.


G. Have the opportunity to participate in philanthropic activities and doing good to the world.


H. Have the opportunity to participate on the next project.


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